Strength in surrender

There is nothing weak about surrender. Infact to do so you have to be strong. You need to know yourself enough to communicate your fears, fantasies, and insecurities. It takes conviction to continue to serve on the days your not feeling it. Those days will be there, life is never easy. It’s in your drive to continue, to persevere that makes you powerful.

And in witnessing your strength I become weak to you. To see you kneel, to hear you speak my title. Providing you the dominance so you feed me with your submission.

This power transfer dance nourishes us both. With its delicate brutalities, captivating surrenders. Powerful whispers, and wordless declarations.

Dizzying in its contradictions and ironies and mutual need. Grounding in its euphoric energy flow. We rotate around one another in our mutually made gravity.

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